Based on our market experience and the technical knowledge of our Paraffinic and Naphthenic Base Oils, we are always looking for the most convenient supply alternative for each and every one of our customers by optimizing on quality, pricing, logistics and financing.
Petromax stores Base Oils in dedicated storage tanks, with the intention to supply our medium term and long term local customers with the regularity and supply reliability that they deserve
We are well aware that it is not only about the quality of our product, or the reliability of our deliveries. Our ability to finance and our ability to mitigate the exposure to credit risk contribute in a big way to our capacity to deliver a better service. Petromax enjoys today the trust and support of several of the biggest banks in Europe.
Due to the always changing trade flow of Base Oils, we find new logistical opportunities all the time. This opportunities can relate to different means of transportation. It could be a specific Chemical Tanker in a good position to charter, it could be a new route for flexitanks or isotanks, or it could be fresh pricing for truck transportation.